
John,Smith,,Pass123,Example department,j.smith,True,False,1234,True

# The "FirstName", "LastName", "Email" fields are required

# The "Password" field is required only for new users, for existing users you can leave this value empty to keep the current password

# The "Password" field must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one letter and one number

# The "Department", "SsoUsername", "IsEnabled", "IsAdmin", "Pin", "CardNumber" and "NotifyAboutNews" fields are optional and can be omitted completely

# If you don't specify the "Department", "SsoUsername", "Pin" or "CardNumber" columns in the header row, the current value will not be changed

# SsoUsername - single sign-on username

# The "Pin" field is a number

# The "IsEnabled", "IsAdmin" and "NotifyAboutNews" fields can be either "True" or "False"

# The "IsEnabled", "IsAdmin" and "NotifyAboutNews" fields can also be left empty if you don't want to change the current value

# The default values for the optional fields are:

#                IsEnabled - True

#                IsAdmin - False

#                NotifyAboutNews - False

#                All other optional fields are left empty by default