Are any penetration tests and code security done over the OptimiDoc Cloud?

Yes, we are performing automatic penetration tests over OptimiDoc Cloud. Code security/quality tools analyse every code change.

Do you have the ability to segment or encrypt customer data for specific customers logically?

All customer data are logically separated from other customers, and separate encryption keys encrypt sensitive data.

How is handled the access to my cloud storage?

OptimiDoc Cloud utilises the OAuth technology to authorise access to customers' cloud storage. Users' access and refresh tokens are kept in encrypted form inside the database. Users can easily revoke their access from the OptimiDoc Cloud Workplace web interface. 

TLS encrypts complete communication between OptimiDoc Cloud and Cloud Storage.

Is OptimiDoc company certified by some security standard?

We are in the implementation phase of ISO 27001.

How can I get more info?

Whenever you need more security information, please get in touch with our support at