Any access to customer data is strictly restricted except in reasonable cases. OptimiDoc Cloud staff can access your company data in case of need:

  • Legal Requirements 
  • Support requests 
  • System issues and bug resolution 

OptimiDoc Cloud uses Microsoft Azure Database. The database is accessible only from the OptimiDoc Cloud infrastructure (resource group). In the case of service tasks, access to a defined location is temporarily enabled. All accesses are audited in Audit logs and turned on by the Advanced Data Security service. 

Data stored in OptimiDoc Cloud is encrypted and decrypted using a 256-bit AES encryption cypher - one of the strongest block cyphers available - and is FIPS 140-2 compliant. Print & Scan job data are stored temporarily only for the necessary time. 

The complete OptimiDoc Cloud Azure infrastructure is separated into a defined resource group and continuously follows regulatory compliance standards. 

OptimiDoc uses the industry standards TLS (1.2 and higher) protocols for data transfer to ensure data transmission security.