Special type of parameter is the System parameter. The System parameter is automatically obtained from the system during the scanning process and can be used like any other manual parameter.

Parameter name


[user_full_name], [user_name]


[user_given_name], [user_first_name]


[user_family_name], [user_last_name], [user_surname]


[user_mail], [user_email]
















"yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" format



[device_serial] or [device_serial_number]




* optional formats: "lower", "lowercase", "upper", "uppercase" (for example [user_name:upper] )

** see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4(v=vs.110).aspx



You can also use more than one parameter. You can also create folders and sub-folders by setting your parameters.

For example, if you add [current_year]/[user_name] the parameter will create a folder with current year where you can find sub-folder named by user mail.