All data within the operation of the system are stored in the following ways:

  • SQL database - OptimiCapture AppService uses Microsoft Azure Database. The database is accessible only from OptimiCapture infrastructure (resource group). In the case of service tasks, the access to defined location is temporarily enabled. All accesses are audited in Audit logs and turned on Advanced Data Security service.
  • Internal Files - Data in OptimiCapture AppService is encrypted and decrypted transparently using 256-bit AES encryption - one of the strongest block ciphers available - and is FIPS 140-2 compliant. Print & Scan job data are stored temporarily only for the necessary time.

Separation of different customers data is done on application level.

The complete OptimiCapture Azure infrastructure is separated in defined resource group and continuously following regulatory compliance standards.

All passwords and user codes are stored in encrypted form.